I had a busy week, I can honestly say that! First of all, it takes a certain amount of time and effort to plan my own lessons for different groups, but also other aspects of my work have kept me busy this week. I was busy organizing new groups for courses that were overcrowded or full, and also had to cancel some groups or courses. It is Friday now, and I feel a bit more restful since a lot of the issues have been settled during this week.
The people in my starter -groups are so wonderfully enthusiastic! We have been practising words, numbers and pronunciation in general. Mouths, lips and tongues have been twisted in different positions as we have been trying to pronounce voiced and voiceless th-, s- and other sounds correctly. I admire the people for their passion for practising new things.
Also the discussion groups met for the second time during this week. It seems that people in the groups are starting to get to know each other, and also me, and the discussions this week already started to be more natural and people were able to relax and talk more freely. It is nice, and we have been able to have interesting conversations during our lessons.
The topic in our discussions this week was just simply travelling, and we talked about the places people have already been to, or places they would like to visit in the future. We also did some excercises that had to do with asking and giving directions, and we also had an exercise about asking and telling about the weather in different places. Next time we will continue with this topic a bit more before moving on to other areas of interest.
The topic in our discussions this week was just simply travelling, and we talked about the places people have already been to, or places they would like to visit in the future. We also did some excercises that had to do with asking and giving directions, and we also had an exercise about asking and telling about the weather in different places. Next time we will continue with this topic a bit more before moving on to other areas of interest.